Are you experiencing relationship problems? Career blocks? Parenting challenges? Anxiety? Insecurity? Anger? Depression? Fear? …or just feeling stuck?

The Process helps you bring awareness to current behavior patterns that are producing undesirable results in your life, and to shift to behaviors that lead to more positive outcomes.

The Process

What is it?

The Process is a 9-week therapy program centered around family of origin issues. It helps you bring the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your being into a consciously harmonious balance.

How it works

You are immersed in an intensive 9-week program with both weekly individual and group therapy sessions. Written work adds depth to your experience.

What to expect

The Process can help you find a new, authentic grounding for your life. It goes beyond insight. It can actually help you to create the life you want.

Is the Process right for me?

There are several ways to find out.

  1. Read “Is The Process Right for You?”
  2. Attend a weekend workshop to experience what we do, and how we do it.
  3. Request a complimentary session with one of our therapists to determine if the Process is the right therapeutic vehicle for you at this time.
  4. Request a complimentary session with Elaine to talk about the Process from a life experience/common sense (non-therapeutic) point of view.
Note: The Process is California based

A message from the executive director

How does the Process help?

The Process helps you bring awareness to current behavior patterns that are producing undesirable results in your life, and to shift to behaviors that lead to more positive outcomes.

The Process is integrative psychotherapy delivered in a format that allows you both to work at depth and to experience effective changes in a brief time. An essential goal of the work is to help you bring the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your being into a consciously harmonious balance.

While there is an initial focus on the past, including childhood, it is brief: the purpose is to bring heightened awareness to your current life. You will also look at the positive patterns and strengths you developed early in life and continue to enhance them. Compassion for yourself and others, including the adults who raised you and harmed or helped you, is an essential part of this work.

In short, all personal growth work involves healing past wounds in order to transform yourself and create more happiness both in the present and going forward in life.

Ready to take the next step?

Attend an Informational Meeting

Learn how the Process can work for you, in your personal life, relationships, parenting, or career. Hear about Process graduates, why they took the Process, and what they got out of it. Free.

Contact us for an appointment,
or reserve online.

Attend a Weekend Workshop

Bring awareness to current behavior patterns that are producing undesirable results in your life, then shift to behaviors that lead to more positive outcomes.

Contact us for an appointment,
or reserve online.

Not sure where to start? Talk with us.

Request a complimentary session with one of our therapists to determine
 if the Process is the right therapeutic vehicle for you at this time.

The journey you take at The Institute for Personal Change could be the most beautiful, important journey of your life. We sincerely hope you’ll take it.

Keep in touch about
The Process