
Informational Meetings

Learn how the Process can work for you, in your personal life, relationships, parenting, or career. Hear about Process graduates, why they took the Process, and what they got out of it.

DATE(S): Monday December 30, 2024, 7 PM.

LOCATION: Online via Zoom, or in person in Palo Alto

COST: Free

FORMAT: Small group evening session

Please RSVP for the Zoom link

DATE(S): Tuesday January 14, 2025, 7 PM.

LOCATION: Online via Zoom, or in person in Palo Alto

COST: Free

FORMAT: Small group evening session

Please RSVP for the Zoom link

DATE: By appointment.

LOCATION: Online via Zoom, or in person in Palo Alto.

COST: Free

FORMAT: Individual session

Commencement Celebration

At this celebration, each graduate of the current Process class speaks about their Process experience, what they gained, and how they have changed. As they begin their Life After The Process, join them in their celebration and see firsthand what the Process does.

Weekend Workshops: Inner Healing/Outer Transformation

Bring awareness to current behavior patterns that are producing undesirable results in your life, then shift to behaviors that lead to more positive outcomes.

The objective of the Inner Healing/Outer Transformation Workshop is to bring awareness to current behavior patterns that are producing undesirable results in your life, then shift to behaviors that lead to more positive outcomes.

While you were growing up, you adopted many traits and beliefs from your parents. Many of them no longer serve you well, they are no longer appropriate for you as an adult. Inner Healing/Outer Transformation works from both directions: it helps you explore these traits and beliefs, and how they affect your life today, as well as connecting your current issues back to childhood experiences. Through the Workshop, you begin to separate from these old patterns, emotionally grow up, and become the person you were meant to be. Inner healing leads to outer transformation.

The licensed psychotherapists who conduct the Workshop apply a unique mix of therapeutic competence, emotional caring and spiritual depth. In three days, these powerful ideas and processes can start to repair the damage from the past.

For the workshop, it is useful (but not required) to bring an issue that you would like to work on.

*$150 of the workshop fee may be applied toward payment of full Process. Discount for two or more living in the same household.

Workshop leaders: Cris Jenkins and Malcolm Stanislaus

DATE(S): Friday-Saturday-Sunday April 11 - 13, 2025

  • Friday: 5 PM – 8 PM
  • Saturday: 10 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Sunday:  10 AM – 5:30 PM
All times are in Pacific Time

LOCATION: Online via Zoom.

COST: $350.00 for the weekend* (See More Info above)

DATE(S): Friday-Saturday-Sunday August 15 - 17, 2025

  • Friday: 5 PM – 8 PM
  • Saturday: 10 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Sunday:  10 AM – 5:30 PM
All times are in Pacific Time

LOCATION: Online via Zoom.

COST: $350.00 for the weekend* (See More Info above)

DATE(S): Friday-Saturday-Sunday December 5 - 7, 2025

  • Friday: 5 PM – 8 PM
  • Saturday: 10 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Sunday:  10 AM – 5:30 PM
All times are in Pacific Time

LOCATION: Online via Zoom.

COST: $350.00 for the weekend* (See More Info above)

9-Week Process For Personal Change

The Process, a nine-week therapy program, helps you bring the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your being into a consciously harmonious balance.

Includes up to 63 hours of group sessions, plus up to 15 hours of individual sessions. Your therapist will spend up to an additional 10-20 hours responding to your written work. $5500.00 is an effective rate of approximately $120 per therapist-hour plus $35 per group hour— which compares favorably with the going rates for both individual and group counseling.

Free initial consultation with a therapist. Begin your investment in yourself today.

*Couples discount available for any two people living in the same household.

DATE(S): Winter 2025: January 25 - March 24, 2025.

LOCATION: Zoom. View weekly group schedule.

COST: $5500.00 (less any workshop credits)*

DATE(S): Summer 2025: May 24 through July 13, 2025

LOCATION: Hybrid class: some sessions in person in Palo Alto, some sessions on Zoom. View weekly group schedule.

COST: $5500.00 (less any workshop credits)* (See More Info above)

DATE(S): Autumn 2025: Sept 27 through Nov 23, 2025

LOCATION: Zoom. View weekly schedule.

COST: $5500.00 (less any workshop credits)* (See More Info above)

Not sure where to start? Talk with us.

Request a complimentary session with one of our therapists to determine
 if the Process is the right therapeutic vehicle for you at this time.