Sometimes it is difficult to figure out if you are on the right road, or the wrong one.

The right road hums inside you. Even when there are difficulties, the direction is clear. There is often an inner knowing that this is your direction. It resonates inside.

When you are on the wrong road, you are not getting where you want to go. You may have a feeling of discomfort, or of not wanting to tell a significant person in your life what you are doing, a feeling of shame, or of wanting to hide. When that happens, you are undoubtedly on the wrong road.


Why do we talk about being on the right or wrong road? If you want to get someplace in your life, it is important to consider whether the steps you are taking will get you there. If what you are doing feels like it is dragging you down, then you have a strong reason to change what you are doing. If you are not taking any steps, you may be stagnating: you might consider that you are neither on the right path or the wrong one, and that it is time to make a move.

The Process is an excellent tool to help you decide
a) Where it is you want to go, whether in your career, your moral development or your personal growth
b) How to get there
c) How to recognize the signposts of whether your choices will lead you there.

Often we learn the wrong things from our parents about how to achieve our goals. Perhaps your parents taught you to take the easy way, or to aspire to a direction that does not motivate you, or to ignore the voices that speak to your moral or ethical behavior. The Process will help you disconnect from any deleterious messages you received, either overtly or covertly, in your childhood, and will give you tools to learn what is the appropriate journey for you at this time, and help you achieve movement in that direction.

The Process could be the right road for you.


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