Last week we made a large purchase: a new piano.  It’s hard to choose a piano.  I found the process daunting.  I have been playing for 15 years as an adult, but I am not a musician. I like playing, and I practice.  But when it comes to assessing a piano, well, that felt very uncomfortable.

When choosing a piano, you must find one whose sound you like, and where the feel of the keys is right for you.  Not to say that I haven’t played on pianos I liked and pianos I haven’t liked.  But I had no idea, really, of why some were pleasing and others weren’t.  So I had to trust my own gut reactions to the pianos I tried.

This is new for me.  I tend to want to please others, to help them, and to listen to what they have to say, particularly the experts.  But in this case, I had to be the first string, my own expert.

Then there is the mental side of a purchase like this: Do I deserve this piano? Will I play it enough to warrant the expense? Or will I freeze up and stop playing? Will I find a piano that I like but that is not suitable for me? Will I get into a mode where the “I want” takes over, particularly toward the wrong piano? Will I be able to make a good decision?

Again, I have to just trust myself in the answers to these questions.

We tried one piano that was really very beautifully refinished on the outside.  My husband thought it was great, but I didn’t like the sound.  It was hard to say no to that one, but I knew it wasn’t the one for me.

I did find a piano that I love.  I love the sound and the feel of it, but it needs refinishing on the outside.  I brought my piano teacher to play it, and then my regular piano tuner/technician. They both agreed with my choice.

In the Process, we speak to the different aspects of the self: the child, the intellect, and the spiritual self, all contained within the body.  We learn how to access the wisdom of the spiritual self.  And this is how I learned to trust myself:  I trust that my spiritual self will lead me to the best choices for my life.

My new piano is being refinished, and it will arrive at my home sometime in April.  I can’t wait.

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